To be like Elizabeth Taylor

New York. 1976. His long-term patient Elizabeth Taylor unexpectedly comes to the apartment of the famous hotel The New York Palace, where Tony Slawers, an outstanding psychologist and therapist, lives. Richard Burton also appears there. Also his patient and friend. It is an extraordinary evening of the most famous couple in the history of Hollywood. After their second, spectacular marriage, they decide to part ways. The starting point of the drama is a pretext to show the lives of great stars just before their relationship breaks up. The special narrative of the art takes us back in time, which allows us to show unique and important places in the life of the London Dorchester hotel, the Astoria hotel in Rome, the Ritz hotel in Paris and, of course, New York. The most expensive pearl in the world that Burton gave to Liz Taylor on Valentine’s Day, Oscar nominations for her roles in “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf”, Krupp’s diamond, copies of dresses designed for Taylor by such designers as Halston, Dior, Balmain, YSL are all in the latest Jakub Przebindowski’s play “To Be Like Elizabeth Taylor”. The author attempts to analyze a relationship in which passion is mixed with jealousy and fear of rejection. Recalling the characters of two extraordinary actors, a couple who have permanently entered the canon of world pop culture, is a possibility look at the lives of people associated with large film studios – MGM, FOX, Metro Golden Mayer – who still inspire admiration and fascinate crowds of admirers around the world.

Elizabeth Taylor – Małgorzata Foremniak
Richard Burton – Paweł Deląg